Songuo conducted a special safety training session for the "First Lesson of Work"
  2024-02-21 17:03:38
At the beginning of the new year, in accordance with the requirements of the Yucheng City Safety Production Committee Office, to deeply implement the 2024 Safety Production First Lesson of Work Activity Plan of Yucheng City Notification, the training, held on February 19th in the multifunctional hall on the first floor of the comprehensive office building, was presided over by the company's vice president, Zhang Congxin. 

The safety training was conducted by the company's safety and environmental protection supervisor, Zhai Honggang, focusing on post-holiday work precautions, identification of hazards, safety behavior management, emergency management, etc., through video cases and course explanations, emphasizing the importance of safety, compliance with company safety regulations, and enhancing daily safety awareness to ensure the safety of employees and company property.

The purpose of the "First Lesson of Work" safety training activity is to further strengthen employees' accumulation of safety knowledge, enhance safety awareness, improve the overall safety production capabilities, and lay a solid safety foundation for the year's work.